Some of my favourite indoor plants

Some of my favourite indoor plants

I have around 150 indoor plants in my home. Some are "keepers" (my favourites that I'll never part with), some are propagations that I'll sell, and some are impulse purchases that I will eventually give away, swap or sell to make room for my new must-have plant!

So here are some of my keepers, plants I have had for a little or a long while, green babies that I've nurtured, propagated from and admire every single day. Enjoy!

Monstera adansonii (swiss cheese plant)

 Ficus lyrata (fiddle leaf fig)

Ficus lyrata (fiddle leaf fig)

Syngonium Fantasy

Syngonium Fantasy

Hydroponic Spathiphyllum Sensation (peace lily)

 Hydroponic peace lily

Calathea musaica

Maranta leuconeura (red-veined prayer plant)




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